PEC (1975)

Ever since school, Pec, a French Street Artist, has never stopped drawing. The call came early, in 1989, at the age of 16. Like any street artist, his favorite drawing board has long been the walls of this home-city: Lyon. The urgency of the clandestine activity taught him to draw quickly, sharp and soft black lines, massive - mostly - birds, starring « knar » (from French homonym canard = duck).

Unlike most street artists though, PEC's only declared mission is to put a smile on your face, to be an activist for joy. "Be a source of joy for passers-by" and maintain art "as accessible as possible".

Years of practice and visibility turned him into a renowned artist and the increasing orders encouraged him to make a profession of his art, 10 years ago. His colorful birds can already be seen in Lyon, Paris, London, Barcelona, Bangkok, Mexico, Bogota and even more.

© Formes Utiles, Nov. 2020